Kolesnik O. S. Mythopoetic Cosmos and its Realization in Ancient Greece Tradition |
10 |
Yarosh L. A. Eleusisas the Place of Future |
18 |
Kukharuk T. L. Game Elements and Their Possible Perspective according to Pythagoras |
27 |
Bakanurskiy A. G. A History of One Anique Polemics: Aristophanes – Socrates – Euripides |
35 |
Opolev V. T. Logos vs Zeus: Revolution in Antique Way of Thinking |
43 |
Levchenko V. L. The Arising of Rationality in Greek Philosophy |
61 |
Yeriomenko A. M. Eidoses of Things and Eidoses of Events in Plato’s Doctrine |
76 |
Golubovich I. V. “Strange Mixture of Pleasure and Sorrow”: The Situation of Philosophical Conversation in Plato’s Dialogues |
84 |
Proleev S. V. Negative Character of Late Antique Ethos |
95 |
Misyun A. V. Athens: Polis – Person – Individuality |
100 |
Pankov A. A. Hellenistic Religion as Postmodernist Project |
111 |
Krishevskaya L. I. Antique Music and Word |
118 |
Shevtsov S. P. Byzantium: Orthodoxy and Law |
128 |
Mikhaylyuk A. V. Antique Hellas in “East–West” Opposition Context |
140 |
Sekundant S. G. Leibniz and Plato. The Renaissance of Idealistic Tradition in Modern European Philosophy |
153 |
Baranovskaya O. N. The Art of “Eternal” Form as a Problem of Understanding of Classical Tradition in European Culture |
167 |
Wischke M. Source of Knowledge. Paul Natorp, Nicolai Hartmann and Hans-Georg Gadamer on Sense and Meaning of Anamnesis (Plato. Menon, 81b – 84a) (translated from German by Bukreeva L. L., corrected by Korolkova O. V.) |
179 |
Mukhutdinov O. M. Aristotle’s Doctrine of Time and Contemporary History of Philosophy |
199 |
Okorokov V. B. Reconstruction of Antique Way of Thinking in E. Husserl’s Phenomenology Context (Being as Invariant of Thinking) |
209 |
Ivanova-Georgiyevskaya N. A. Concept of Philosophical Rationality in Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology and in Classical Antiquity |
219 |
Korolkova O. V. Austrian “Fin de Siecle” and H. von Hofmannsthal: from Dyonisis to Apollo’s Antiquity |
232 |
Saulenko L. L. Antiquity in Totalitarian Style (as related to Classical Tradition in XXth century Architecture) |
242 |
Bardina N. V. Antique Sourses of Contemporary Applied Linguistics |
256 |
Palatnikov G. A. Lights and Shadows of Antique Epos |
270 |
Lichkovakh V. A. Understanding of Pathos in Ancient Greece and Native Traditions |
281 |
Kiriliuk A. S. Structural-typological analysis of Adonis and Kupala rituals in a culture’s universalias context |
290 |
Kashuba M. V. Antique Topics in Ukrainian Church Preaching in XVIIth century as Manifestation of Renaissance World Outlook |
307 |
Odokhovska I. O. Ancient Greek Philosophy in Ethical Heritage of Kiev Mohila Academy (XVIIth century – the first part of the XVIIIth century) |
317 |
Turgan O. D. Dialectical Unity of Different Stages Antique Culture Developement in Early XXth centure Ukrainian Literature |
331 |
Sumchenko I. V. Plato’s Doctrine in Russian Philosophy of Religion (second part of the XIXth – the first part of the XXth century) |
341 |
Vershina V. A. Neoplatonism and S. L. Frank’s Philosophy of All-unity |
350 |
Petrikovskaya E. S. Greek Logos as Viewed by A.F. Losev (in Commemoration ob his 110th Anniversary) |
359 |
Sobolevskaya E. K. Orpheus’ Myth, or Bracket about a Turn (as seen by Reflecting on M. Zvetayeva Poetry) |
372 |